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A man, likely Andrew White,takes a video from a boat, as he describes andshows thecurrent of fast-moving water along a flooded street in Houston during Hurricane Harvey recovery. Streets flooded significantly during Hurricane Harvey. This water was…
A boat is tied to a treeon aflooded street in Houston during Hurricane Harvey recovery. Police contacted peoplewith boats in Houstonduring Hurricane Harvey recoveryto assist and bring people from flooded homes and streets to safety. Andrew White, the…
Houston police enter fast-moving water in a flooded street in Houston togoinspect a home or area nearby. Police used boats to rescue people suffering dueto theflooding of homes and streets in Houston during Hurricane Harvey. Andrew White, the…
Two men are on a mission to rescue people from flooded homes and accidentally travelled the wrong way through a flooded street during Hurricane Harvey. Therefore, they turned the boat around and pulled/pushed it the other way towards a residential…
A photo showing the view out a car windshield looking to a flooded street and a large dump truck driving through the water. Few types of vehicles were able to travel through the flooded streets, due to risk of flood damage. Dump trucks were used to…
A few members of the Houston Fire Department gather to discuss events of Hurricane Harvey recovery.
A couple people sit in a rescue boat while a couple others push it into deep-enough waters during Hurricane Harvey recovery.
At the beginning of the video, we hear that Andrew and his friend are rescuing a hospice patient who is trapped inside the home surrounded by water. The video also looks out towards the street to the rapidly flowing water. Many people were forced to…
The walkway and driveway of a home are flooded during Hurricane Harvey recovery, which causes people inside to be trapped in the home. Andrew White and a friend sought to help by providing escape via a rescue boat.
Andrew White took a video on a flooded street outside of a house with a sign hung that said "HELP" during Hurricane Harvey recovery
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