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Andrew White is in the forefront of the photo, while a home and several trees are in the background flooded by rain from Hurricane Harvey.
A person stands in flood water while holding onto a boat used for rescue during Hurricane Harvey recovery. The person also holds onto a swing, which he/she found attached to a tree.
A man sits on the end of a boat used for rescuing people stranded in their homes during Hurricane Harvey, as he looks towards a drowned car and a flooded home.
A CNN breaking news announcement, featuring Andrew White speaking, titled "Thousands Stranded as Texas Waters Keep Rising."
A screenshot of the beginning of an article titled, "The Houston Navy," speaking on how volunteers helped local officials to bring people to safety during and after Hurricane Harvey.
Man in a black SUV talks to crew in firetruck. During Hurricane Harvey recovery, people sometimes helped others who were stuck through the use of large vehicles. Firemen and police officers were key in helping to bring people to safety.
During Hurricane Harvey, some people were in need of rescue from flooded homes or buildings. People volunteered their time, labor, and resources to help others. Andrew White and a few more men helped these people to safety by boat.
Four people and a dog ride in a boat during Hurricane Harvey recovery. The person driving the boat moves it from an area with deeper flood waters to an area with more shallow flood waters. Towards the end of the video, the people begin to hop out of…
People went out in boats to help bring those in need to safety during Hurricane Harvey recovery. People in boats sometimes braved continual rain as they traveled, in order to help others. In the background of the photo, an SUV is flooded and…
A man sits in a wheelchair in a hospital during Hurricane Harvey recovery. He likely must stay in the hospital for several days until the flood waters dissipate.
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