This was about the worst that the water got for us, thankfully, but at the time it was the surrealist feeling, seeing this river outside in our front yard, in our neighbors yard and in our street, as it started seeping through the walls. I felt shock…
This story actually starts about a year before Harvey, on July 7 2016 when my father passed away at the age of 59, it seemed it sent my life spinning in a snowball that is only now starting to slow down. After his death, and funeral my brother,…
Image taken of the street in front of the house. This was from the first rain bands of Harvey. The rain let up long enough to let it drain, but not for long.
My daughter is a warrior! We both were trapped at home when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston. Before we realized we were trapped and couldn’t be rescued due to flood high water. Our vehicles and house were under water. She never lost hope and smiling,…